Personal training at less than half the cost! Our small group personal training is always kept to 2-4 participants so we can guarantee individualized attention. Our coaches will blend individualized and general training for each person in every workout. For all of our specialized offerings see our schedule. Offerings will include: Align Low Impact Training, Align Kettlebell and Bodyweight, Align Golf Fitness, Align Metabolic Conditioning, Align Strength and Yoga, and Align TRX Strength and Cardio.
Learn more about each of our training options
Metabolic Conditioning: Our Metabolic Session are of a very high intensity and are designed to help you burn fat and gain muscle faster than traditional fitness! We combine kettlebells, dumbbells, TRX, rip trainer, and bodyweight exercises that will produce an incredible metabolic stimulus! You will build strength while burning body fat and losing inches.
TRX Strength and Cardio: This dynamic and fun training challenges your muscle endurance and transforms your body from head to toe. Using a TRX Suspension Trainer and your bodyweight, this fast-paced training session will increase your lean muscle and core strength. You will get stronger and improve your total body conditioning.
Strength and Yoga: This session combines strength and mindful movement. Get your heart pumping with a full body workout that combines strength exercises with controlled yoga poses. Then wind down to a restorative yoga designed to calm the mind and stretch the body.
Intro to Kettlebell Training: Our kettlebell and bodyweight program is designed to teach you how to use nothing more than a kettlebell and your bodyweight to get an incredible workout. Our master kettlebell coaches will teach you a wide variety of kettlebell exercises including the swing, squat, turkish get-up, press, clean, snatch, and more. The program will challenge everyone so come prepared to learn and work hard!
Low Impact: This Program has been designed for those who are returning to exercise after injury and/or need to minimize stress on their joints. These sessions are appropriate for beginner to intermediate clients who want to improve strength and decrease body fat. This moderate intensity program combines a wide variety of training tools including kettlebell, dumbells, TRX, rip trainers, barbells, bands, and more while keeping your joints safe! We avoid exercises that have a high injury risk while getting client’s great results. If you are looking to gain muscle and lose fat while keeping your joints safe this is the best program for you!